Check Out Walter Littlemoon’s Story in Thick Dark Cloud

Enjoy this video about the movie, The Thick Dark Cloud, as it might help you remember your reading of Walter Littlemoon’s memoir this summer.

Then reflect on the text and consider these two questions carefully.  What is the most important thing you learned by reading this book? And why do you think what you learned is important?  Click on the “comment” at the bottom of the post and compose a thoughtful comment (4-6 sentences) in Standard English.  You should also isolate the phrase or sentence in the book that resonates your idea. Or feel free to explicate a sentence from that book that illuminates an insight or nuance for you about our community theme of this year, identity (see our definition below).

Suffield Academy Theme for 2013-2014: The concept of identity is centered on understanding who we are as people. It is the distinguishing characteristic belonging to an individual or shared by members of a particular group. Identity is our set of attributes, beliefs, desires, or principles of action that leads us and shapes our self-image and who we are. Our identity helps us relate to others and identify with certain groups. Identity is not a boundary; it is a construction of how we identify ourselves that evolves and shapes who we want to be.

About Bill Sullivan

I am an English teacher working with great students at Suffield Academy. I also teach seniors in various project-based learning environments. Some of the #PBL topics included global issues, such as Pandemics, Climate Change, and Water; more recently I have asked students to research and identify topics important to our school community and their generation. We curate these topics with a #StudentCenteredPBL. For the past eleven years, I also created a driving question for a class to research a local history mystery and present their findings in a community program partnering with our local historical society. These topics encompass researching the lives of enslaved individuals who were contributors to the foundation of our community.
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46 Responses to Check Out Walter Littlemoon’s Story in Thick Dark Cloud

  1. Gray Johnson says:

    “Remember” -The Cottonwood Tree of Mouse Creek

    The most important thing I’ve learned from ‘They Call Me Uncivilized’ is to never forget who you are because it is one of the few things in this life you can never change. As Walter Littlemoon returned to Wounded Knee, the true essence of this story came out as he slowly became more and more happy when he remembered more and more of his life and those who surrounded him. Whereas at one point, he didn’t even recognize his own mother until it was too late. To me this lesson is very important because it, in a way, gives you the secret to happiness. It tells you to retrace your ancestors steps and find who you really are, which is something that I am now very interested in doing. Walter found out amazing things about his ancestors, and I will hopefully find many amazing things about mine, because remembering where you come from will slowly but surely make your life better.

  2. jteich7 says:

    “All things that ever happened are part of today.” As it goes, the past is infinitely linked to the present, especially psychologically. In They Called Me Uncivilized, the author identifies many themes, most importantly the need to be at peace with one’s past in order to fix the future. Littlemoon could not fully engage with anyone for most of his life due to the depressing effects of the boarding school experience on his mentality as a whole. People everywhere can understand how it feels to be weighed down by the past, regardless of whether they carry an invisible suitcase stuffed with worries or a single anxiety the size of an anvil. Coping with past events and leaving them behind leads to a brighter future, and in writing this book I believe Littlemoon intends most off all to help others over their individual mental obstacles with his own story of recovery.

  3. ehuds says:

    “Our ability to feel and to be human had been taken away.” Something new i learnt from They Call Me Uncivilized was how harsh the boarding school conditions were for Native Americans. It was hard for them to go from their homes to strict boarding school conditions when they were only young boys. It was not only hard for them to get used to the beatings a punishments, but it was also hard for them to cope with the outside world afterwards as well. Their experiences at boarding school had changed their lives so severely that it affected them for the rest of their lives paying a toll on everything they did in the most negative ways.

  4. tuchpacheco says:

    One of the most valuable lessons learned throughout They Call Me Uncivilized is the importance of never judging someone based on their appearance, or what you assume to be their background. As the story progresses we are told of the hardships and struggles Walter Littlemoon had to endure in order to develop such a resilient character, which can also be considered a direct result of his strong connection with his ancestors and his past. A story such as his is rare to find and the opportunity to learn and grow from such experiences can be easily lost by having a narrow mind when it comes to interacting with those who’s background is different from your own.

  5. Will Buckfire says:

    The most important thing I learned from this book is that if someone tries to change who you are you should not let them, Walter LItttlemoon let the boarding school change him and turned out to be someone he did not want to be. It came to a point where he did not even recognize his own mother. It took Littlemoon awhile to recover from what he went through. During his road to recovery he joined the military, but he did because he was proud of America even after what he went through when he was a child. Littlemoon let people get the best of him when he was kid but as he became older he decided that they had changed him into someone that he did not want to be so he put it on himself to become the person that he aspired to be.

  6. hopkinsg says:

    “Self-betrayal causes a person’s spirit to become broken.”
    The theme in the community text that I found most meaningful is not to loose sight of who you are. In the book, Walter Littlemoon looses his spirit after being repeatedly abused and stolen from his own identity. Littlemoon is sent to boarding school to have every trace of his identity changed to become something strangers wanted it to be. Throughout the book Littlemoon begins to connect with where he is from and discover his self again. He then realizes that nobody has the right to define your identity except for yourself. The lesson learned from the text is significant because accepting and appreciating who you are and where you come from is the key to true happiness.

  7. awalsh7 says:

    The most important thing I learned from reading “They Call Me Uncivilized” by Walter Littlemoon is not to let others affect your perception of who you are. Throughout the story, Walter is faced with many challenges and much adversity. The strongest example of this is when Walter, along with the other children in his community, is sent away to U.S. government boarding school. At boarding school, the teachers enforce rules and regulations that the Native American children are not used to. In this way the boarding schools try to alter Walter’s perception of his identity, and often cause him to lose sight of who he really is. This is apparent in the following quotation, “We were told we had to become civilized. As I understood it, that meant we had to wear shoes, eat using a knife, a fork and a spoon, and speak English.” (Littlemoon, 45). By changing the everyday habits of the children, the schools try to change who the children are becoming and how they distinguish their actions. I think learning this is important because often times people can become caught up in the busyness of their everyday lives, and they never stop for a moment and think about who they are and what they desire. Essentially, one should not let their everyday activities and the people involved in them dictate how they perceive their identity. Reading this memoir helped me to reflect on my own personal identity while also learning about Walter’s past and how his identity changed over time.

  8. Mikey Stern says:

    The most important thing I learned from reading the book, “They Call Me Uncivilized,” is that everyone is capable of having a positive impact in a community. A quote to support the knowledge I gained from the book is when it says, “Every person, every animal, every blade of grass has a spirit that is positive and can be of help to the others.” This excerpt shows that everyone has the potential to be helpful to one another and to benefit society. These words from the book also show that there is something positive in everyone and that everybody has something positive to contribute to the community. Our school theme is identity, and these words from the book help to prove that everyone has their own identities and worth. It is the contribution of everyone and everything that makes the picture complete.

  9. nickcalfano says:

    The true identity of a person is produced through family upbringing. In ‘They Call Me Uncivilized’ Walter Littlemoon displays the importance of family through his own troubles. He is forced to forget his background, where he comes from and where he belongs. Due to the government schools Littlemoon attended, he lost that aspect of himself. Littlemoon’s memoir expresses his regrets of his childhood through adulthood and how he craved to be back home. The heartfelt story reiterates how essential family life is and how, if ruined, will lead your life on a downhill slope of sorrow. When reflecting back on boarding school, Littlemoon explains,” I felt numb almost paralyzed. At times, I would feel as if things around me weren’t real,” (p.61). The loss of family and familiarity with ones surroundings may cause that to occur. Therefore, Littlemoon is telling all his readers to keep your family close because it will only help along the way.

  10. Luca Lorenzoni says:

    History is written by the winners. Until recently, this was a plain, simple fact that undermined the accomplishments of the less dominant and submerged the ugly side of history: the violence, war, and prejudices against those who are different. In Walter Littlemoon’s They Called Me Uncivilized, he reiterates the long legacy of racism in our country, one that should not be neglected, and sheds light upon the horrible atrocities committed against his people. In his case, these less than memorable experiences resulted in psychological traumas that interfered with his chances to live a normal life, leaving him wounded, wandering around “the thick dark fog” in a seemingly perpetual quest for light.

  11. chinrichs says:

    I believe that the most important thing that a reader can take from this book is that you are never done growing as a person. Ones background, experiences, and choices in life help shape ones self into the person they become. No matter how tough life gets or how good it is, life never stops moving. You have to live in the moment and try to make the best out of the situation. Persevere.

    • chinrichs says:

      “…I have remembered the lessons from my Lakota elders and nature’s elders, I am discovering who I am, and the dark fog has lifted.” (p. 93)

      I believe that the most important thing that a reader can take from this book is that you are never done growing as a person. Ones background, experiences, and choices in life help shape ones self into the person they become. No matter how tough life gets or how good it is, life never stops moving. You have to live in the moment and try to make the best out of the situation. Persevere.

  12. cwebb says:

    The most important thing I learned from “They Call Me Uncivilized” is that even though he got beat for doing what was right, his identity didn’t get shaped by the society around him. “Our ability to feel and to be human had been taken away.” Even though he felt like he had been dehumanized, he still didn’t conform to the ways of the people around him.

  13. The most important thing that i learned from reading, “They Call me Uncivilized” was to be who you want to be and not what others want to mold you into. This book made me think about all parents dreams to send their kids to their favorite college and do the things that they want them to do, and although parents do know most of the time what is best for their children, that does not mean that you should base all your decisions off what your parents want you to do, in life you are bound to let people down with every action you make but as long as what you are doing makes you happy then i believe you should continue to live the life you want to live and not just live the normal life or the life that other people want you to live. Each individual is different, with different strengths and weaknesses, and just because you may not be as good as someone else at something or you don’t live the same way they live by no way means that you are less of a human being than them.

  14. soyun0810 says:

    The most important lesson I learned from “They called me Uncivilized” was that it is really important to understand and maintain one’s own identity even though other people tries to change and vanish it. Walter Littlemoon attends the U.S. government boarding school that forces children not only to abandon their own language and culture, but also to absorb the other culture that they do not want to accept. Littlemoon gets harsh pressure and stress that he once comes to a point where he does not recognizes his mother. However, throughout the process, he slowly begins to identify who he is and where he belongs. He then realizes that no others can force him to become who they want him to be, except for himself. The theme for Suffield Academy, identity, greatly shows in this book, and tell us that identity is something that form and define who we are and who we want to be.

  15. TIanello says:

    The most important thing that I have learned from reading “They Call Me Uncivilized” is to never let others determine who you are. “Our ability to feel and to be human had been taken away.” this quote shows that even through tremendous adversity and torment his ability to adapt and counter the endless abuse made him strong, allowing him to persevere, finding the light in the “thick dark fog”.

  16. Cj Moore says:

    The most important thing I learned from reading ” They Call me Uncivilized” over the summer was the importance of Identity. Here is a boy who is sent away to an U.S based government, which is a lot different form where he was raised. Different language, different food, different personalities. He was forced to do things that was against his culture. As he said in the text ” U.S. government system designed to destroy my culture. ” he was right. The U.S governement tried to destroy his culture a.k.a his Identity but he fought for it. I believe you should not change yourself for anyone, if you have good morales that your parents installed in you as a kid you should believe in them and go by it. Your culture/ religion is something really important and you should not have to be forced to change it because you are in a different scenery.

  17. rsiver says:

    “From birth, children were considered a sacred gift. The whole tribe protected and preserved their safety and welfare”
    The most important thing i learned from “They Call Me Uncivilized” is the importance of family. Especially in these native american situations, stripping a child from their family is harmful if not destructive to the child themselves. It brings about an element of isolation that is not parallel to anything else. Littlemoon is showing the reader that family is the epitome of safety and security. Relating back to our school theme, identity. The close tribe, and the secure, safe, loving environment is obliterated by the government. They lost what they were, and it never was the same. A tragic ending that truly enlightens the reader on the importance of family.

  18. anneking says:

    The most important thing I learned from “They Call Me Uncivilized” is to never allow anyone to try to change who I am or my beliefs about myself. Walter Littlemoon was repeatedly told that he was “uncivilized” or not good enough. Because of this, his whole life seemed to be a constant struggle in terms of identity and self worth. This book has taught me that no other human has the right to deem me uncivilized or unworthy, only I can decide who I am. It has also reminded me that society’s idea of what is right is not always right for everyone. It is up to each individual to decide what they believe to be morally right and not allow themselves to mindlessly follow society’s idea of what is correct


    Identity proved to be a constant theme throughout the book “They Call Me Uncivilized”, by Walter Littlemoon. As the author suffered his hardships throughout his boarding school experiences, he lost the sense of who he was and what his family stood for. The most important thing I learned from the book was that identity is something that can never fully be taken away from someone. As much as he was beaten and forced out of his old habits, he still desired the same home and family and the same things constantly reminded him of who he used to be. Although his severely tortured persona suffered tremendously, he persevered after a long amount of time and realized that identity is forever. Walter Littlemoon will always be as he was born, a Native American, no matter how much others try to change that.

  20. lflynn says:

    The most important thing that I learned from Walter Littlemoon’s They Call Me Uncivilized is the value of community. Prior to his days at boarding school Littlemoon was accustomed to a communal style of living and a general sense of belonging. The reader can tell he feels comfortable in his home environment from this quotation, “Our summer days were filled with contentment, as we were surrounded once again by a community of people who cared for each other”. When they took him away, he was thrown into an uninviting world that lacked any sense of connection. At school and anywhere in life it is reassuring to know that you are in a group that supports you. This simple comfort can be taken for granted and it is important to recognize the privilege of choosing where you belong.

  21. JackFrank says:

    The most significant thing that I have learned from the novel, “They Call Me Uncivilized” was the importance to understand history from different perspectives. It is essential to consider history from the perspective other than your own-(the western civilization perspective)-because it better helps you understand the world from a neutral perspective. IF we were to consider the situation that the protagonist faced in this novel from his perspective, as the book was written from, we would instantly understand the moral dilemma of trying to civilize a people based upon the basis of them not following the standard notion of western civilization. This book opened my eyes to the slanted perspective that Americans had during this time and how rash and immoral decisions have presented itself as a greatly damaging foe in the fabric of the history of America.

  22. Julia Harris says:

    The most important lesson I learned in “They Called Me Uncivilized” is the importance of remembering and reflecting on negative moments in our history, both personally and on a larger scale. After reading the memoir, I was shocked that the American run boarding schools were able to exist in our country without protest. Furthermore, it is unfortunate that most people in today’s age are unaware of the atrocities that occurred. These events became a part of the identities of all who were involved. In his memoir, Walter Littlemoon writes, “All things that ever happened in this place, Mouse Creek of Wounded Knee, are a part of today. They are not just history, over and done with, as some now think.” By reflecting on these events, people could better understand the negative implications that occur when groups of people are marginalized or mistreated.

  23. JackFrank says:

    The most significant thing that I have learned from the novel, “They Call Me Uncivilized” was the importance to understand history from different perspectives. It is essential to consider history from the perspective other than your own-(the western civilization perspective)-because it better helps you understand the world from a neutral perspective. IF we were to consider the situation that the protagonist faced in this novel from his perspective, as the book was written from, we would instantly understand the moral dilemma of trying to civilize a people based upon the basis of them not following the standard notion of western civilization. As seen in this quotation, “…Our ability to feel and to be human had been taken away” (p. 68), represents a significant characteristic in this novel because it indicates that “we”-Americans-have acted without feelings and emotions to brutally tear out all human characteristic in these “uncivilized” people without second thought. This book opened my eyes to the slanted perspective that Americans had during this time and how rash and immoral decisions have presented itself as a greatly damaging foe in the fabric of the history of America.

  24. cbauchiero says:

    The most important thing I have learned from reading the book They Called Me Uncivilized is the value of communication. Though it is taken for granted today, communication is a priceless treasure due to the fact that without communication, you are at a complete loss. One cannot express their feelings, their needs, or even have just a basic conversation. Their world is immediately flipped into unfamiliarity that is extremely overwhelming. In the book, Walter Littlemoon describes the importance of communication when he says, “I was overwhelmed by strange smells, sounds of children talking and crying, all the big, tall buildings, everyone speaking a language I didn’t understand. There seemed to be no one for me to turn to, no familiar faces” (Littlemoon 37). Though this is just one passage, the book itself is a great example of how when one is removed from his home and placed in an unfamiliar world, communication, however basic, is a key necessity.

  25. Ingunnu says:

    One of the most important things that I learnt reading the community text was that to find your true identity you cannot let other people try to mold you into who you are. People will always try to impact you in many ways and make you who they want you to be, and most often they do it because they want the best for you. Such people can be friends or parents, or teachers for that matter. Of course we should always take advice, but in the end we have to decide for ourself. Walter Littlemoon was sent away to boarding school to “become civilized”, meaning to be someone he was not and live like he wasn’t used to. He was only a child and adapted easily, as children often do, but in the years that followed he had great trouble finding his true self because he had been so greatly impacted. The scars of his boarding school years were always there, because the people there had tried so intensely to rip his real identity out of him and replace it with a correct one. It’s hard to say if the US government really did what they thought was best for the children. However it is clear that it caused him great pain that he had to live in another culture that to that which he felt he belonged, and I think that goes for all of us. If we do not do what we truly want and live out our true selves but let others decide your identity and impact your actions and our important decisions in life, we cannot be happy. Walter Littlemoon realized that and started appreciating his roots and live his identity to the fullest, and he is now, finally, on the way to becoming a happy man.

  26. brooke stadler says:

    The book entitled: “They Called Me Uncivilized…” was a very sad and inspirational story of an American Indian’s life in a U.S. government boarding school, and the troubles it caused for him. Basically, everything this boy had known was stripped away from him. It was as if the U.S. government was taking away his soul and trying to make him become someone he was not.

    In his own words, Walter Littlemoon states: “Like thousands of others, my life was turned upside down through the turmoil forced upon me by a U.S. government system designed to destroy my culture. My life has been spent trying to recover, with the help of the Creator and the strength of the moral courage I inherited.”

    I learned so many things from this book. Firstly, it showed how someone’s heritage and family traditions are a part of you from an early age. The stories that are passed down from earlier generations teach young children what morals and values they are expected to have and continue. It’s basically impossible to take away or change someone’s deep feelings of what is significant in life.

    Most importantly, the book proved that people can overcome even the worst situations. The book made me think of all the bullies in schools now. There are mean people everywhere, who treat people horribly and unfairly. Yet hopefully, those who are abused can figure out a way to get thru the punishment and become happy and healthy, productive people no matter what. That is so important, because everybody faces challenges.

  27. hpkatz says:

    “…I am discovering who I am, and the fog has lifted” (93).

    I think the most important thing I learned from this book is that your identity is always changing and forming from when you are a child to when you are an adult. Therefore, if you interrupt the process of finding yourself with traumatic events, you will have a harder time discovering who you truly are. After Walter Littlemoon went through an extremely tough time, he carried emotional and mental baggage with him everywhere he went which prevented him from being his true self. This concept is so important because many people in the world go through hardships growing up and throughout their lives, but if you have the right attitude, you can release the “fog” from your life and be an overall happier person.

  28. cklaursen says:

    The most important thing I learned from “They Call Me Uncivilized” was how serious this issue really was. Of course I had heard/ learned about these kinds of situations before, but it didn’t occur to me that this was happening less than 100 years ago. When I think about these children being taken out of their homes and forced to become “white” or “American” I imagine the 1800s or maybe the early 1900s. This is clearly not the case. The key word for all of this would be “remember”, which is something that would be said numerous times, as Walter recalled his horrific past while attending boarding school.
    I think knowing all of this important to know because it is a part of Americas history and something like this should never repeat itself again. That is why I think it is important because this was occurring 50 years ago, it is simply wrong. Every person deserves equality and these children were put through horrible, life changing harassments because they were not like everyone else.

  29. sskkaa says:

    The message that stood out to me the most while reading Walter Littlemoon’s memoir “They Called Me Uncivilized” is how important your upbringing and your ancestors identity is to you as a person. When you are put in unfamiliar or challenging situations, this is what you hold on to and your comfort level increases. When you are denied the support of your culture, during upbringing and hard times, this can have a great impact on your psyche. As a result of being punished for the ways of his people, Walter Littlemoon suffered from Complex Post Traumatic Stress.

  30. owen hern says:

    The most important thing I learned from “They Called Me Uncivilized” is knowing your identity. Walter Littlemoon had to go through a lot of really hard times in his life and struggled to embrace is identity: “I lived day by day in a dark fog” (pg. 55). That means that he was being shielded from who he really was by the government when they took him away from home to go into the boarding school. They tried to make him think that he was someone different then who he really was, and blocked him from the aspects of his old life, which was all that he had ever known. However, he was finally was able to cope with his traumatizing experiences once he accepted and embraced his identity, which is why it is important for anyone to know and embrace who they truly are.

  31. dbutch says:

    In the book “They Call Me Uncivilized” the Native Americans grappled with finding their identities. The abuse that they had to suffer through in the boarding schools caused them to further lose sight of who they were. A quote that stood out to me as illuminating their ongoing struggle with finding themselves was, “He wasn’t able to talk about his boarding school abuse. There was no safe context in which to share it without shame or stigma, and he was unable to understand what profound effect those years of being abducted had on him.” This shows that he would forever have difficulties finding himself because he could not understand that the abuse damaged him not only physically but also psychologically. I felt that this tied into our school theme of identity because throughout the book the Native Americans really tried to find their own voice and sense of identity even though they were constantly told to be someone else.

  32. DanielWiese says:

    For me the most important thing from the summer reading was my realization of America back in the 60´s. First off, when I started reading, I believed this story was dated back to the 1800´s. For me there was absolutely no way that all this happened in such recent years. I found it hard to believe that even in such a civilized country like America these horrible stories could happen, just 50 years ago! “Punishment came at least two or three times every day in the classroom and even more frequently in the dormitory.” (46 percent, from kindle). It is important to realize this because even though we might think so, the world is still no perfect place. Conflicts are happening all over the world. Yes, we might live a peaceful and happy life from our perspective, but that is not the situation for everyone. We need to realize that even though we might want to think so, the world is still not a perfect place.

  33. BozotheClown says:

    One of the most important lessons I have learnt from this book is your past will always play a massive part on your future. Henry Pratt’s motto “Kill the Indian, save the man” actually killed many Indians later in life because to them, there was no point in living. But even the rest who did try “ carry on have found little on the reservation to give meaning to our lives” (52) and as a result, are only passively living. This book provides an explanation to why some people act so different and sheds light on how a group of people act if they have been severely beaten and abused from their childhoods. Most of the Indians who didn’t try to kill themselves all had common themes in adulthood: a passive lifestyle. Some didn’t care whether they did or didn’t die, others would just blend into the background, some are still just watching themselves, barely any know how to be a good parent, and they all have struggles on realizing who they are. An abusive past can lead to self-destrucitve traits that affect himself and his family, and for many of these Indians it did. It is important to see the effects of the American Indian policies carry out by the government in the past.

  34. LilyZ says:

    The book, They Called Me Uncivilised, is a really blue book which makes people think a lot. One thing that I learnt from the book is to be and to know who I am, and do not let others to tell me who I am. A lot of times, people will judge one by the way they look, the skin colour, and the background they come from; this is something that is too common in the world right now that cannot be changed. However, no matter what other people think, this is a challenge for people who are being judged. For example, a fly will look for garbage in a beautiful garden, because they can only focus on the garbage so they ignored the beautiful flowers; a bee will look for flower in a place full of garbage, because they only focus on the flowers. One can be a bee or a fly, and will change their life and identify who they are right now; however, one’s attitude is one of the most important things. Therefore, let others say whatever they want to say, all one needs is a better oneself.

  35. Mark Porter says:

    The most important piece of learning that I have gleaned from reading “They Call Me Uncivilized” is that identity is truly vital. As a child, Walter Littlemoon’s identity is deeply connected to his family and the various role models that his family provided. The boarding school program was intended to “Kill the indian but leave the man.” in order to accomplish this goal the Native children were separated from their families (The family structure being an immensely important part of the Walter’s identity and the cultural identity of his people. At the boarding schools through constant abuse and rejection of the culture that the children belonged to the teachers succeed in their goal, they kill the Indian and the rest of the book serves as a grim reminder of what is left when ones identity is destroyed. Throughout the rest of the pages of the book and Walter’s life he is never quite the same, the energetic and kind child is no more there is only a broken man left. Although at the end of the story he does manage to find some solace and alleviation from his time at the boarding school he never fully recovers and he is never fully again the child he once was.

  36. ablyster says:

    Innately, human beings cling to the past. We are a culmination of our experiences, our upbringings, and our lessons learned, thus we often form our identities based on events we have undergone and our actions, and not so much on who we may plan to be in the future or what we are presently working towards. This can be a double-edged sword, as proven in Walter Littlemoon’s, They Call Me Uncivilized. The key element in this book dealt with the grappling Walter underwent with his identity after experiencing brutal conditions and mortifying experiences; ones that can ultimately destroy a human spirit and leave one feeling utterly lost, just as Walter felt in his “recovery” years. He found that remembering the past proved to be too difficult and often left him feeling heavy hearted, but as time went on he came to understand that, “Remembering is the basic ingredient of living,” (80). The key is to remember your roots, the moments; the lessons that will contribute to your self-identity and fulfill you spiritually. The most fascinating element to this story, and to life in general is those key words I mentioned earlier: the human spirit. This memoir is truly a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of using the past as a place to remember your roots, the positive things that make you who you are and use them in order to form your identity and overcome adversity. It’s something that humans struggle with, and will continue to struggle with unless they begin to use their experiences, no matter how good or bad and be able to extract from them the positive moments or lessons learned, in order to either reconnect with their spiritual selves, or maybe even redefine their identities, just as Walter Littlemoon learned much later on in his life. It is never too late to define who you are as a human being.

  37. kdemitrus says:

    The most important thing I learned from “They Call Me Uncivilized” was the importance of staying true to your own character. Walter Littlemoon grew up in a poor family with very few material comforts, but he owned his home and family with an air of confidence. Throughout the story, Littlemoon abandoned his character and lost the child he was growing up as before his time in the city and at boarding school. If Littlemoon had stayed true to himself and his charater, I believe he would have been much more successful in his endeavors during school and after moving into the city. “They Call Me Uncivilized” taught me that if one stays true to their character, happiness will come.

  38. Michael Luisi says:

    Every single person is different in their own way. Walter Littlemoon was special in his own right. Walter sent off to boarding school to become “civilized” in the eyes of those who thought he was a savage. Nevertheless, Walter was stronger than they could have ever imagined. Naturally after reading this story I was appalled by what he had gone through during his tenure at boarding school. What really got to me was the fact that it was only a couple decades ago. It’s crazy to believe that type of hatred towards an individual just because they are different.

  39. forcechuck says:

    The most important thing I’ve learned from “They Call Me Uncivilized” is to never change your identity no matter the obstacles. “Our ability to feel and to be human had been taken away” (#). In this case they were stripped from their homes and forced into boarding schools. They were forced to convert to a typical American. For months at a time, they would be away from there families and at one point he didn’t even remember his own mother. They changed him into a person he didn’t want to be but after the boarding school, but he chose to be the person he desired.

  40. rcurrey says:

    The most important thing I learned from Walter LittleMoon was to never let someone falsely lead you. The people that were elected to lead his people and help their tribe turned their backs. No one stood up to their government, and they all suffered because of it. The government stole and robbed from their people. If people had stood up against them, they wouldn’t have been put into the boarding schools. When the government became corrupt the people did nothing and it hurt them, this teachs the readers that they can’t let their government walk over them because it will cost them more then just their homes and land. If you don’t make your government work to help the people it governs, then it will become corrupt and lose sight of its goals. “Newly elected representatives no longer tried to figure out what was positive for the people. Instead they looked for what was best for the tribal councils agenda and their own financial gain”(70).

  41. Maisie Puris says:

    The most important aspect I learned from Walter LittleMoon was to know yourself and stay true to who you are. I also learned that one should always follow your true instinct and stand up for what one believes in. LittleMoon grew up in a poor small family, but he was proud of his family. When LittleMoon went away to school he changed as a person and lost sight of who he really is. The importance of knowing and staying true to your identity is critical for one to be who they really are.

  42. Nathan Rosenkranz says:

    One of the most important things I learned in Walter LittleMoon’s book is that you have to face your fears and overcome the past. At one point in the book LittleMoon talks about how he went through years of consoling before he was even able to write this book. Through his story he is able to help others while he helps himself accept and move forward from his terrible childhood memories of boarding school. He could have chose to keep forcing himself to forget those memories, but the pain would of never truly gone away. When he choses to confront those memories he is able to slowly accept them and live with a lot less emotional pain. All in all, if you get over your fear, or memories, the pain stays away, but if you run away it keeps on chasing you.

  43. Jen Moller says:

    The most important thing learned in the book was that you can never give up even when it gets tough. It may be difficult to get through when life does not go your way, but it will make you a stronger person. When Walter Littlemoon was at the boarding school, he had to put up with the abuse that was dealt to him. He would run away, but he never stopped trying to be who he was. It shows you that life is not always easy, but it is how you handle it. Walter Littlemoon had a hard life and he still continued on. He knew that being with his family was how he could stay true to himself and not become the person that school wanted him to be. Believing in yourself makes it easier to not give up and make it through whatever comes your way.

  44. Max Beitler says:

    The most important thing I learned from Walter Littlemoon’s “They call me uncivilized” is ones identity can not be forcefully shaped into something they aren’t, it should be their own identity. In the book they tried to shape the identities of each child, but in the end the children were left with an empty understanding of who they are.

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